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Volunteer. Pitch in. Your helping hands and heart can help restore integrity to Michigan’s elections.


Please sign up to help with one or some of the committees below. PIME is composed entirely of unpaid volunteers. We need your help, and many hands make light work.


Thanks for volunteering!

Committees and outreach:


  • Legislative. Analyze and/or testify on election bills that come up for hearing in the Michigan House and Senate. PIMErs testify at hearings. We work with state legislators to help craft and enact legislation to ensure election integrity. We issue CALLS TO ACTION to PIME supporters on issues that need everyone’s attention.


  • ERIC. Analyze ERIC, Election Registration Interstate Center, and work to have the legislature and organizations fix and exit it. 


  • Contract with Michigan. PIME developed a pledge for constitutional candidates to distinguish themselves from the field. We need help reaching out to worthy candidates and inviting them to sign. Or perhaps you’d like to write news releases announcing new signatories, and/or post signatories on the website. How about reaching out to other organizations and inviting them to co-sponsor.


  • Precinct Delegates. Become a precinct delegate for your party. Join its county executive committee. Get involved.


  • Voter Roll Cleanup. PIME is working closely to clean up Michigan’s voter rolls, called the Qualified Voter File (QVF). We need data analysts. We need people willing to help canvass by driving a vehicle, knocking on doors, or serving as librarian to record findings. 


  • Speaker Recruitment. Help arrange for quality, engaging experts to come speak at PIME’s monthly meetings.


  • Allies and Coalitions. Work with organizations of like mind to coordinate efforts, support each other, and build on various groups’ strengths. Share information. If you’re a member of another group, maybe you’d like to serve as ambassador between groups?



  • Recruitment. Assist with reaching out to tell people about PIME. Manning a table at an event like a festival, rally, trade, or gun show is fun. You meet lots of interesting people and gather signatures for important petitions.​


  • Communications. Help PIME keep in touch. Perhaps you’d like to help write welcome letters to new supporters. Interested in keeping PIME’s calendar current? How about posting messages to the blog, Telegram, Rumble, or Signal? Maybe you would like to contribute to PIME’s newsletter? Interested in video recording our featured speakers and posting their talks on PIME’s Rumble channel? Click the button below or email Say you’d like to serve on this committee. 


  • Research and news. Monitor and analyze information related to election integrity. Help keep PIMErs current on all election integrity developments  


  • Work with legislators to enact legislation concerning 2022 prop 2 that will keep elections as clean and fair as possible and to insure that local municipalities are funded by the state to retain their own elections within their jurisdiction and not be forced into a centralized election process. Meanwhile work to overturn 2022 proposal 2 in that it usurps the right of the legislature to oversee the time, place, and manner of elections.


  • ­­­­Security Committee. Be on site to ensure everyone is safe and feels welcomed.​


  • Events. Interested in hosting a table at a public event to help gather petition signatures and recruit others to support PIME? Organize a training event? So much to do! We can use your help.


Contract with Michigan

Contract with Michigan


In affixing my signature below, I, ___________________________________________ , (Candidate name) of _________________________________________ (address or County) am running for the position of  ________________________________ (Position) and do solemnly pledge my allegiance to the United States Constitution, to the Constitution of Michigan 1963 (Constitutions), and to the State and US Bills of Rights. In seeking public office, I pledge to serve honorably as a servant to my constituents in Michigan (State). Further, to restore the bonds of trust between the people and their elected representatives, I pledge to protect and defend citizen rights and needs as delineated below:  


1. The right to honest, transparent, fair, and accountable elections run by the State legislature, not by the federal government


2. The right to free speech


3. The right to keep and bear arms


4. State rights


5. The right to liberty and protection against invasion of privacy through the abuse of technology or bureaucratic agencies


6. The right to due process and the rule of law in an impartial and blind judicial system, and funded and functional police and sheriff systems that protect the citizenry and the republic


7. The need for an educational system that nurtures student understanding of the noble principles in the US and State Constitutions, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


8. The right to private property


9. The right to protect the nation against invasion, and the need to preserve the nation’s sovereignty 


10. The need to protect and defend the nuclear family and parental rights 


11. The need to encourage job creation through pro-growth tax and monetary policies that adhere to fiscal responsibility with no new taxes. 


12. The right to secure borders and the need to uphold and enforce immigration laws





1. The right to honest, transparent, fair, and accountable elections run by the State legislature, not by the federal government. 


Restore election integrity to Michigan elections. Establish fair and transparent elections. Ensure valid and fraud-free absentee ballots. Require photo identification, residency, citizenship, and clean voter rolls. Ensure the authenticity and chain of custody of every ballot. Prevent federal takeover of State election laws.


Defend State rights. The US and Michigan Constitutions guarantee State rights to conduct elections within State boundaries. The State shall conduct all elections for all levels of government, including federal, state, county, township, and municipality.



2. The right to free speech 


The First Amendment guarantees free speech. Government agencies must not directly or indirectly (as in collaborating with private industry or organizations) filter and stifle citizen dialogue and free speech. 


While the First Amendment does not specifically apply to or govern private technology companies, the American people need their representatives to curtail large technology companies from filtering and stifling citizen dialogue and free speech.  


Regulate Big Tech and social media companies like “common carrier” telecommunications services and public utilities. Require these companies to host user posts regardless of what the posts say, much like phone companies host all telephone calls regardless of content.



3. The right to keep and bear arms


Defend the Second Amendment, which states, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” 

Candidate agrees to: Protect citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms. Stop the passage of new laws that make it harder for people to acquire firearms or ammunition, or that restrict/ban certain types of firearms or accessories. Oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law. Oppose the enactment of schemes such as firearm registration, waiting periods, and “universal background checks,” all of which undermine individual liberty as well as the security of our republic.



4. State rights


Defend the Tenth Amendment, which expresses the principle of federalism, also known as states’ rights. This amendment states that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution. All other powers, not forbidden to the states by the Constitution, are reserved to each state. 


Fight federal, State, and county government power grabs and protect local government authority.



5. The right to liberty and the protection against invasion of privacy through the abuse of technology or bureaucratic agencies.


Though the Fourth Amendment does not explicitly protect the privacy of forms of communication that did not exist at the time of its writing, it explicitly guarantees citizens the right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” 


Candidate agrees to: Protect the Fourth Amendment, liberty, and privacy. Stop the politicization and overreach of government agencies. Ensure the government does not abuse technology, invade citizen privacy, or conduct unreasonable searches and seizures.



6. The right to due process and the rule of law in an impartial and blind judicial system, and to funded and functional police and sheriff systems that protect the citizenry and the republic.


Support law and order. Support anti-crime packages to keep people secure in their neighborhoods and kids safe in their schools. 


Enforce and uphold all Constitutional protections and Sixth Amendment guarantees to make criminal prosecutions more accurate, fair, and legitimate. Stop the judicial system from weaponization against the citizenry and ensure the crimes of those in power receive justice. 


Conduct legislative and administrative hearings under oath. Prosecute those who commit perjury to the fullest extent of the law. 


Prevent citizens from being held as political prisoners without bail.  



7. The need for an educational system that nurtures student understanding of the noble principles in the US and State Constitutions, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Ensure that schools adopt educational curricula that teaches understanding of and appreciation for this nation’s dedication to the individual’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Prohibit teaching any form of critical theory (i.e., that one group is better than another) in our schools. Fine or suspend certifications of teachers who teach any form of critical theory (racism, classism, sexism, agism, etc.). Support the Hillsdale 1776 curriculum and reject the 1619 Project. Teach the hazards of communism.



8. The right to private property


Defend the Fifth Amendment and the right to own private property. The right to private property forms the cornerstone of freedom, individuality, independence, and right to pursue happiness.  


Support free enterprise and never shut down market sectors (e.g., as occurred during the 2020-2021 pandemic and caused devastation to entire industries, including entertainment, restaurants, and gyms). Stop government overreach from determining winners and losers and making business success reliant on government support or regulation.



9. The right to protect the nation against invasion, and the need to preserve the nation’s sovereignty 


Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution provides that the US “shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion.” Acknowledge that the Chinese Communist Party and globalism represent an imminent threat and have been waging a long-term economic, political, and cultural war against the republic. Adjust trade, public, educational, scientific, and State policies to ensure the republic’s survival.


Article 1, Section 8 grants Congress the power to “provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States,” “to regulate commerce with foreign nations,” and to “define and punish offenses against the Law of Nations.” Neither the State nor US Constitutions can be upheld if their authorities are ceded to another entity. Do not cede the sovereignty of the US to an international body. No U.S. troops shall operate under U.N. command. No U.N. inspectors or troops are to be invited onto US soil. 


Protect the environment and natural resources while simultaneously pursuing energy independence. Develop renewable power sources that supplement and do not undermine national security.



10. The need to protect and defend the nuclear family and parental rights


Reinforce tax and social welfare programs to encourage nuclear families. Offer tax incentives for adoption and strengthen parental rights in their children’s education. Support an elderly dependent care tax credit to reinforce the central role of families in American society.



11. The need to encourage job creation through pro-growth tax and monetary policies that adhere to fiscal responsibility with no new taxes


Support a pro-growth tax code. Impose no new taxes. Adhere to fiscal responsibility. Stop unchecked government spending and the printing of money. This irresponsible behavior will lead to hyperinflation, wipe out the retirement savings of senior citizens, and lead to the destruction of the US dollar.


Support favorable tax policies and cut excess regulations to encourage job creation and wage enhancement. Encourage small business incentives and capital gains cuts. Eliminate the supplemental government unemployment and welfare incentives while employment opportunities are readily available. Provide financial encouragement, rather than discouragement, to potential workers to participate in the job market.



12. The right to secure borders and the need to uphold and enforce immigration laws


The first sentence of the US Constitution declares, “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” 


In a time of terrorism, drug cartels, human trafficking, and criminal gangs, the presence of millions of unidentified individuals in this country and state poses grave risks to the domestic tranquility, general welfare, and security of liberty to current citizens and their posterity. 


Support secure borders and all ports of entry. Uphold and enforce immigration law. Stop the US government from enabling illegal immigrants to cross into the State. Restore and maintain the essential parts of our national security funding to strengthen national defense.


Comments/Remarks from Candidate: ­­­­­­­­­­­



In signing below, I agree to the above Contract with Michigan and commit my true and unbreakable oath of intent.

Printed name:                                                                                           





Contact information:

Please email signed contract and promotional photo of Candidate holding the Agreement to

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PIME is an issue-based, nonpartisan movement that welcomes all who support election integrity and the Constitutions of the US and Michigan.




© 2024 by Pure Integrity Michigan

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