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Chapters Anyone? You're invited to a special PIME meeting tomorrow in Stockbridge

Updated: Jan 11



Please join us for a very special council meeting tomorrow Jan. 11, 5 PM. Pure Integrity Michigan Elections will be convening in Stockbridge to discuss converting MFEI’s county task forces into chapters, and we’d like to learn your thoughts. Jacky Eubanks, MFEI’s new director of Field Operations created the proposal below, so we’ll use this as a baseline for discussion.


In the meantime, I hope you will join us tomorrow, Jan. 11, at 5 PM in Stockbridge, 305 W. Elizabeth Street, Stockbridge, Michigan. Potluck for those who would like to bring a dish to share. Fun, camaraderie, and good food for all.


For election integrity,


Patrice Johnson, Chair

Pure Integrity Michigan Elections



MFEI Chapter Proposal


1. GOAL: To have a chapter in every county in Michigan. The chapter will act as the hub for volunteer projects, educational events, and community outreach. The goal is to become a pillar in the county of all election integrity-related issues and activities. The chapter will form strategic local partnerships, such as with other election integrity or patriotic groups and local elected officials in order to create greater awareness of our mission and draw in a broad number of people.


2. STRUCTURE: The chapter will have an executive board consisting of three leaders, each with a designated role: The Task Force Leader, the County Clerk Liaison, and the Canvasser Lead. We may need to adjust title names and responsibilities, which is completely fine. The point is to have each person be the leader of designated segments of the chapter. The Task Force Leader will act as a Chair of sorts, managing the various meetings, events, and volunteer projects of the group. The County Clerk Liaison will be in charge of all Clerk Advocates in the county and maintain positive relationships with elected officials, especially election officials, and will ideally oversee the work of recruiting more clerk advocates as well as further involvement of the chapter with the local and county elections.


The Canvasser Lead will be in charge of the door-to-door efforts of volunteers within the county, in whatever capacity they will be going door to door. If we end up getting involved in petition circulation, for example, the volunteers who are assisting with these efforts will fall under the supervision of the Canvasser Lead. In this way, the primary responsibilities of those two major roles are designated to someone other than the Task Force Leader to ensure he or she is not overloaded. Of course, the Task Force Leader will work with them to ensure their operations are running smoothly.


3. CHAPTER OBLIGATIONS: In the effort to increase volunteer recruitment and engagement, a meeting once per month within the county, ideally at a central location that most people can reach within a 20 to 30 minute drive, seems to be in good order. The purposes of such meetings will be several: First, to bring together both old and new members, visitors, and stakeholders in order to create a sense of community. Chapter members will work together in fellowship around the shared priority of election integrity; second, to offer educational enrichment, so that longstanding members benefit from the organization, as well as draw in newcomers interested in learning more about election-related issues; third, to have open dialogue between elected officials, especially those involved in elections, and our members and activists, so that concerns and initiatives may be discussed openly with cooperation; fourth, to provide new members a window into the work we do as well as keep longstanding members informed about new initiatives and/or progress we've made on old projects. 


4. WHAT CHAPTERS CAN EXPECT FROM THE PARENT ORGANIZATION: Most organizations with chapter programs have standard agendas to guide priorities and conversations at meetings. Therefore, it would be good practice for MFEI to create a six-month list of themes with each one covered at each chapter's monthly county meeting. The themes will be decided ahead of time, likely with input from council of chapter executive boards and will likely involve some kind of PowerPoint or video presentation. Perhaps the most active chapters will secure guest speakers, as well. At any rate the possibility exists to make this into a really robust program that draws in the general public and engages them in becoming involved in preserving our great republic.


Please let me know your thoughts on this proposal. I am curious to learn what you think.





Jacky Eubanks

MFEI Director of Recruitment and Retention



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