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Ding Dong the HOUSE Duck is Dead. Beware the Senate.

Pure Integrity Michigan Elections

Lame duck session dead in the water; embattled House Speaker gives up the ghost. Senate still in session.

Kristine Christlieb, PIME Senior Correspondent | December 20, 2024

Following days of pressure from Republicans and even some Democrats, Michigan’s House of Representatives adjourned until December 31, effectively declaring legislative defeat.

Shortly after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, House Speaker Joe Tate gave up trying to get a quorum and put the legislative body out of its misery by adjourning until the legally mandated end of the two-year term.

“Joe Tate could have scheduled sessions for Friday or on Monday the 23rd, but he didn’t. For two days he’d been unable to get a quorum. It was beginning to be very embarrassing,” said former Michigan State Representative Paul Opsommer (District 93). “There’s every indication it [the lame duck session] is over. They’ve given up.”

The political defeat is particularly noteworthy since Michigan is a Democrat trifecta state, meaning the Democrat party controls the state Senate, House of Representatives, and the governor’s mansion. Michigan Democrats have not had a lame duck trifecta in ninety years (1934).

Speaker-elect Matt Hall press conference after walk out

Things began to unravel on Friday the 13th when Republicans banded together and walked out of the Capitol building, refusing to participate in the legislative process until their demands were met.

Rep. Rachell Smit (R-District 43), who will be Speaker Pro Tempore in the 2025 legislative session, told PIME, “I’m proud of Speaker-Elect Hall and my Republican colleagues for sticking together this past week. It’s certainly going to be better for Michigan after stopping the horrible bills — with the help of Rep. Karen Whitsett [D-District 4] — they were trying to ram through in this last effort under their trifecta.”

PIME Founder and Chairman Patrice Johnson was also proud. “I’m grateful for the persistence of PIME supporters who stayed engaged and kept calling and emailing and texting their representatives.”

Bridge Michigan reported today’s session ended in a whimper. With tears in her eyes, House Speaker Pro Tempore Laurie Pohutsky, told the news outlet, “Everything that was on the agenda today in the House is dead, and the 55 members that did not attend should feel free to own that.”

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who was backing bill packages PIME believed would undermine the conduct of Michigan elections, offered her lame duck elegy in a press release.

"Like most of our state, I’m deeply disappointed that the House adjourned today with so much unfinished business for Michigan’s residents.


"We’ve fought very hard to make this state a national leader in protecting and strengthening the fundamental right of every citizen to cast a ballot through the Michigan Voting Rights Act [MVRA]. Along with the MVRA, we need to pass important bills to make state government more transparent and accountable, root out fraud in the petition gathering process, prevent misinformation about elections, and to make our redistricting process even more fair.


"We know the people of Michigan want these protections and reforms. I’m still deeply committed to leading on these issues and won’t give up the fight until it’s done."


Johnson had another take on the adjournment. “Progressive radicals have no one to blame but themselves. Michiganders were incensed by the barrage of bad legislation being put forward in a final grab for power and control, and they let their legislators know it.”

For weeks, PIME volunteers had been monitoring state Senate and House hearings on legislation with the potential to jeopardize the Electoral College and a host of other negative outcomes for Michigan.

“During this vulnerable period. our volunteers stood in the gap and helped protect the state until the next legislative session when control of the House returns to Republicans,” said Johnson.

On December 31, Pohutsky will return to the House at 1:30 p.m. so she can officially end the legislative session for the year.

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