Pure Integrity Michigan Elections
PIME is an issue-based, nonpartisan nonprofit that welcomes all who support election integrity and the Constitutions of the US and Michigan.
After the election in November 2020, a handful of citizens decided to take action to help restore election integrity in Michigan. Since then, PIME has grown and continues to grow exponentially. We invite you to become involved.

Click here to view the event: https://rumble.com/v5apk1p-the-great-debate-august-8-2024.html
Event was held
August 8, 2024
PIME focuses on six key policy initiatives:
1. Fair and transparent elections
2. Absentee ballots fair and free of fraud
3. Voter ID, residency, citizenship, and clean voter rolls
4. Authenticity and chain of custody for every ballot
5. Michigan’s rights under the US Constitution and our legislature’s rights and responsibilities
6. The guarantee of free speech.